Carol Coughlan
IVI-RMA Abu Dhabi & Dubai Clinics, UAE
Carol Coughlan is highly experienced Consultant Obstetrician Gynecologist specializing in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery at IVI Middle East Fertility Clinic, Dubai. She carries with her years of experience and associations with numerous hospitals and institutions worldwide. She has graduated with honors from University College Cork, Ireland in 1997. She acquired her Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists in 2003. In 2008, she joined the team at the Assisted Conception Unit at the Jessop Wing in Sheffield as a Clinical Research Fellow to pursue her interest in reproductive medicine. She was awarded Doctor of Medicine (MD) in July 2013 from the University of Sheffield. Her MD thesis focused on recurrent implantation failure and recurrent miscarriage and her research findings have been presented both nationally and internationally. She has an interest in fertility preservation particularly for oncology reasons and prior to moving to the UAE held the position of Clinical Director, Rotunda/IVF, the National Oncofertility Centre at Rotunda Hospital, Dublin.
Abstract : Sociocultural influences on fertility in the Middle East