Yasmin Sajjad
senior consultant in Gynaecology, Andrology, & IVF
United Kingdom
Dr. Yasmin Sajjad is a senior consultant in gynecology, Andrology, & IVF for over 17 years experience that she gained in the UK. She is one of the very few triple accredited physicians in UK & UAE with speciality experience and accreditation in Gynae/Obs, Assisted reproductive technology and Andrology. She has many international publications of great repute to her credit and has written several textbook chapters. She has been involved in many systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials. She is an ad-hoc reviewer for many international scientific journals. She is member and fellow of the RCOG, and an associate member of many international learned societies. She has a keen interest in teaching & training which is evidenced by her multiple teaching activities both at under & postgraduate level in UK & abroad. She was the convenor for the MRCOG part 2 courses and examiner at the RCOG in the UK for three years. She is chair of the RCOG- London, Pakistan Liaison group & is actively involved in promoting training opportunities in UK and abroad. She is an accredited preceptor for the BFS, in UK & UAE. She was awarded the UK Fusion Public Service Award in 2015. She has always aimed to provide the high quality of patient care, reducing patient’s morbidity and mortality, promoting evidence-based practice and providing excellent training & mentorship to her junior doctors.
Research Interest
IVF, Andrology, PCOS, Recurrent miscarriage & fertility preservation. She manages all aspects of male fertility problems.