Mohammad Ebrahim Parsanezhad
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Title: Surgical correction of Mullerian duct dysgenesis
Biography: Mohammad Ebrahim Parsanezhad
Mullerian duct malformation has long been associated with reproductive failure and obstetric complications. Uterine septum is by far the most common anomaly. Although the septum is usually restricted to the uterine corpus, it may extend through the cervix and vagina. Visual inspection and pelvic examination shows complete longitudinal vaginal septum and cervical duplication that are usually misdiagnosed as uterus didelphus. Hysteroscopic Metroplasty (HMP) is the treatment of choice for the symptomatic septate uterus. This procedure may be problematic in the case of a complete septate uterus with two external cervical orifices. According to current opinion, the cervical septum should not be spared because it may cause intraoperative bleeding and cervical incompetence. Resection of the cervical septum during hysteroscopic metroplasty of complete uterine septum makes the procedure safer, easier and less complicated than the procedure with preservation of the cervical septum. This procedure is recommended for all cases of complete uterine septum. Other type of Mullerian duct malformation is cervical dysgenesis. Cervical cord is usually observed with a completely obstructed endocervical canal or cases with a single functional uterus that was obstructed at the lower segment with no communication to a single, normal appearing cervix and vagina.