Call for Abstract

6th International Conference on Womens Health, Reproduction and Fertility, will be organized around the theme “Theme: Leading Healthy Reproductive Life”

REPRODUCTION FERTILITY 2024 is comprised of 19 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in REPRODUCTION FERTILITY 2024.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

The treatment and diagnosis of diseases and ailments that affect women's physical and emotional well-being is the focus of the medical specialty known as women's health. In general, women and men have similar health problems; the only difference is that women's health needs to be specifically taken into account. Young women's health issues, adolescence, pregnancy, and delivery are all biological processes. Women's health is significant because they have unique healthcare needs and have a higher likelihood than men of receiving a diagnosis for a certain condition. Chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are among the leading causes of death in women.

Although it has long been a problem, women's health is now of the utmost importance. The only distinction between males and women's health problems is that women's health needs to receive more attention. The intriguing health conditions that affect women include menopause, abnormalities of the female organs, and pregnancy. The two medical procedures that pose the greatest health hazards to young women between the ages of 15 and 19 are becoming pregnant and giving birth. Because of biological factors, a lack of knowledge about HIV among women, and unsafe sex, HIV/AIDS is the main cause of death among women of reproductive age. The absence of contraception leads to unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, STDs, and other problems.

  • Health issues
  • Women's health

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells having the ability to self-replicate and specialise into distinct cell types. The two main properties of stem cells are self-renewal and potency, which allow them to differentiate into any form of cell. Ovaries do contain stemcells that develop into oocytes in adults and can be created in vitro to produce children, according to two studies published towards the end of 2004. Another study offered novel validation of the endometrial healing caused by stem cells in patients who had bone marrow transplants. It is feasible to use this research to treat uterine issues. It is feasible to use this research to treat uterine issues.

Regenerative innovation encompasses all existing and foreseeable uses in human and animal reproduction. This covers contraception, IVF, and other reproductive technologies. ART, which uses reproductive technology to treat infertility and low fertility, is the only type of reproductive technology now used in clinical settings. Assisted reproductive technology may be used when other fertility drugs haven't worked, when there's significant male factor infertility, severe endometriosis, or a tubal obstruction.

Fertility is the capacity to get pregnant and have children. Mortal fertility is told by a variety of rudiments, including diet, sexual conduct, cooperation, culture, instinct, endocrinology, timing, worries about capitalist, manner of life, passions, and other goods. The most rich time for women is during ovulation. Ovulation occurs between the 11th and the 21st day of a woman's cycle. Gravidity affects both men and women roughly equally, but males are more likely to witness it trades can treat gestation in both males and ladies.

Sterility in men is treated with

  • Surgery, if the cause is a varicocele( widening of the modes in the scrotum) or a vas deferens inhibition.
  • Antibiotics to clean up impurity in the genitalia.
  • Drug and comforting to treat construction or interjection problems.
  • Hormone curatives if a hormone imbalance is the cause of the issue.

Sterility in women is treated with

• Fertility medicines and hormones to help in re establishing hormone situations and induce ovulation in the case.
• Surgery to open dammed fallopian tubes or remove towel that's precluding fertility
In vitro fertilisation is a type of supported reproductive technology used to treat gravidity. In IVF, sperm and an egg are fertilised in a liquid media outside of the body.


Menarche frequently occurs at the young age of 12.5 years in the United States. Ovulation is absent in roughly 80% of first-year cycles, 50% of third-year cycles, and 10% of sixth-year cycles in postmenopausal girls. The onset of menopause usually happens between the ages of 48 and 55. The woman's window for conception is now closed. The biggest factor affecting a woman's fertility and chances of getting pregnant and having a child is her age. Some of the most well-known causes of infertility in women include endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), tubal obstruction, and advanced maternal age, which reduces egg quantity and quality. 10% of all couples in America who are of reproductive age, or around 6.1 million couples, struggle with infertility. Additionally, obesity in conceptive health causes heavy menstruation and heavy menstrual flow.

Human development is sensitive during the teenage years. It represents the passage from childhood to actual and intellectual adulthood. The Sub-Saharan region has the largest incidence of early childbearing practises, with birth rates among teens exceeding 200 per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 19. The Central African Republic, Niger, Chad, Angola, and Mali (with a rate of teenage births above 180) are the countries with the highest rates of teenage births. Maternal health is the condition of women prior to, during, and following childbirth. Healthcare for family planning, conception, pregnancy, labour, and delivery is all included. Discharge, unsafe abortions, and labour obstruction are the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality.

Sexually transmitted infections are illnesses that are spread by sexual contact, including anal, oral, and vaginal sex. The symptoms of this condition include pelvic pain, ulcers on or around the genitalia, vaginal discharge, penile discharge, and ulcers. The three groups include bacterial infections, viral STIs, and parasitic STIs. Among the bacterial infections are gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and syphilis. Viral diseases include genital herpes, genital warts, and HIV/AIDS. An illustration is the parasitic STI trichomoniasis. Less dangerous sexual activities are employed. In the classroom, thorough sex education is also advantageous.

PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that affects women who are fertile. It is a collection of symptoms brought on by females' increased androgen levels. Heavy periods, irregular or non existent menstrual cycles, excessive body and facial hair, acne, pelvic pain, difficulties getting pregnant, and areas of thick, darker, smoother skin are some of the signs and symptoms of PCOS. Both inherited and environmental factors contribute to it. It's past cure. Birth control pills may benefit acne, excessive hair growth, and regular menstrual cycles. Metformin and anti-androgens may also be beneficial. Weight loss, the use of metformin, and clomiphene are all methods to boost fertility. In vitro fertilisation is another technique used. It is the endocrine disorder that affects women the most commonly between the ages of 18 and facial hair

Obstetrics is a branch of medicine that focuses on the surgical and medical care given prior to, during, and following pregnancy. It focuses on safeguarding and taking care of a pregnant woman's overall health. Gynaecology is the branch of medicine that deals with the health of a woman's breasts, vagina, uterus, and ovaries as well as her reproductive system. Its primary focus is on the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of problems with female reproduction. Obstetricians and gynaecologists struggle to raise the bar of medical treatment while working in a challenging environment. 1.5% of inpatient obstetrics patients encounter a bad event, and 38.3% of these outcomes were attributed to negligence, according to the Harvard Medical Practise Survey.

Reproductive malignancies are brought on by the unchecked growth and multiplication of abnormal cells that arise in the reproductive organs. Gynaecologic tumours in women are often found in the United States. 91,730 new cases are estimated to be investigated in the United States this year alone; tragically, 28,080 deaths are anticipated. The most common treatments for reproductive cancers include chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or a combination of these.

At least one child develops inside a mother's body when she is pregnant, also known as gravidity or gestation. A pregnancy with multiples, like one with twins, results in more than one kid. Sexual activity or assisted reproductive technologies can both lead to pregnancy. This is a little more than nine lunar months, with each lunar month having a length of about 291,2 days. Usually, childbirth occurs 40 weeks (LMP) or so following the last menstrual cycle. A developing human being is referred to as an embryo for the first two months after conception; thereafter, until birth, the word "foetus" is used. Missed periods, sensitive breasts, vomiting, hunger, and frequent urination are just a few early pregnancy signs. You can find out if you are pregnant by taking a pregnancy test.

Drugs are commonly used to correct various anomalies during pregnancy. Drugs are often used to treat illnesses during pregnancy when the potential benefits outweigh the known hazards. The most frequently given drugs include antibiotics, analgesics, antihistamines, antiemetics, and tranquillizers. The growth and development of the foetus may be impacted by drug use later in pregnancy. Drugs that may have an impact on foetal development include angiotensin, antithyroid medications, benzodiazepines, blockers, and other medications. But in the UK, every single pregnant woman receives at least one course of medication treatment advice (no less than 33%).

  • Tranquillizers
  • Antihistamines
  • Antiemetics
  • Analgesics
  • Antibiotics

Peripartum analgesia for labour and anaesthesia for caesarean deliveries are provided by the anaesthesia subspecialty known as obstetric anaesthesia, often known as ob-gyn anaesthesia or ob-gyn anesthesiology. For the attending anesthesiologists, it has always been challenging to give anaesthesia during pregnancy for both obstetric and non-obstetric surgery. While a substantial percentage of an obstetric anesthesiologist's practise may involve directing anaesthesia for caesarean sections and managing pain during vaginal deliveries, the specialty is increasingly growing to include anaesthesia for both maternal and foetal operations. When labour pains are present, obstetric anaesthetists are commonly called upon. Buprenorphine is the medication that is most usually used to produce a more pronounced physical square.

The field of medicine known as reproductive medicine is concerned with the prevention, identification, and treatment of reproductive problems. Reproductive medicine aims to improve and maintain the standard of reproductive health. Reproductive medicine is built on an understanding of reproductive anatomy, hormones, physiology, and pathology. Under the general heading of reproductive medicine, prenatal medicine and postnatal medicine can be further split. Reproductive medicine includes among its subjects sexual education, family planning, conditions of the reproductive system, birth control, infertility, and sexual dysfunction. Ovulation, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, and other gynaecological disorders are all evaluated by reproductive medicine.

All stages of conception are accompanied by caring. Over the length of a nine-month pregnancy, pre-partum care, intra-partum care, and post-partum care can be divided into three stages. Throughout the pre-partum period, pregnant women undergo a number of pathological and radiological examinations to closely monitor the development of the embryo inside the womb. Pregnancy-related conditions such preclampsia, eclampsia, miscarriages, haemorrhages, etc. are now easily discoverable. The mother's physical and mental state change after becoming pregnant and continue to do so until the baby is delivered. Both the mother and the newborn kid require post-partum care. One of the most important aspects of postpartum care is breastfeeding.

Reproductive endocrinology is the comprehensive study of the pituitary, ovaries, and other parts of the female hormone system from adolescence until menopause. Early embryonic development, gametogenesis, reproductive development, fertilisation, pregnancy, reproductive immunology, and endocrinology are some of the topics covered. It relates to the control and function of several endocrine glands in women, the impact of reproductive activities on the endocrine system, and the influence of endocrine diseases on reproduction.

All current and future applications of innovation in human and animal reproduction are included in the category of regenerative innovation. This includes contraception and other ARTs (Assisted Reproductive Technologies). As of right now, assisted reproductive technology (ART) is the only kind of reproductive technology used in clinical settings to address low fertility and infertility. When other fertility medications have failed, there is severe endometriosis, tubal obstruction, or extreme male factor infertility, assisted reproductive technology may be recommended.
  • In Vitro Fertilization-embryo transfer
  • Gamete Intrafallopian transfer
  • Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer