Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
5th International Conference on Womens Health, Reproduction and Fertility, will be organized around the theme “Leading Healthy Reproductive Life”
REPRODUCTION FERTILITY 2023 is comprised of 18 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in REPRODUCTION FERTILITY 2023.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
The medical field of women's health is devoted to the treatment and diagnosis of illnesses and conditions that have an impact on the physical and mental well-being of women. Generally speaking, women and men face comparable health issues; the only distinction is that women's health requires specific consideration. Adolescence, pregnancy, delivery, and health concerns in young women are all biological processes. Women's health is important because they face particular healthcare issues and are more likely than males to be diagnosed with certain disorders. The major causes of death for women include chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
- Chronic diseases
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
Women's health has long been a concern, but it is now of the utmost importance. Men and women generally face comparable health issues; the only difference is that women's health deserves special attention. Pregnancy, menopause, and disorders of the female organs are just a few of the fascinating health issues that affect women. Pregnancy and labour are two procedures that carry risks to health and are the leading causes of death for young women between the ages of 15 and 19. HIV/AIDS is the primary cause of death in women of reproductive age and is caused by biological causes, a lack of information among women about HIV, and unsafe sex. Unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, STDs, etc. are caused by the lack of contraception.
- health issues
- women's health
Undifferentiated cells with the capacity to both self-replicate and specialise into various cell types are known as stem cells. Self-renewal and potency, which enable stem cells to develop into any type of cell, are the two key characteristics of stem cells. As of late in 2004, two studies showed that ovaries do contain stem cells that mature into oocytes in adults and can be produced in vitro to produce children. Another study provided novel confirmation of the stem cell-mediated endometrial healing in women who underwent bone marrow transplants. The use of this discovery in the management of uterine problems is possible. The use of this discovery in the management of uterine problems is possible. Also, it supports a novel hypothesis for the origin of endometriosis, which is a condition in which cells similar to those in the endometrium grows outside of it.
All current and future applications of innovation in human and animal reproduction are included in regenerative innovation. This includes contraception, assisted reproductive technology, and other methods. The only type of reproductive technology now used in clinical settings is ART, which uses reproductive technology to treat infertility and low fertility. When other fertility medications failed to work or when there is severe male factor infertility, severe endometriosis, or a tubal obstruction, assisted reproductive technology may be administered.
- Infectious Diseases
- Disorders of Sex Development
- Ethical and medicolegal issues
The ability to conceive and procreate is known as fertility. Nutrition, sexual behaviour, affiliation, culture, instinct, endocrinology, timing, financial concerns, way of life, feelings, and other factors all affect human fertility. Ovulation is a woman's most fertile period. From the 11th to 21st day of a woman's cycle, ovulation takes place. Both men and women can have infertility, and both of them are affected almost equally. Both male and female infertility can be addressed with ARTs.
- Various medical issues
- Female fertility problems
- Physical signs of fertility in a woman
In men, sterility is treated with:
- Surgery, if the cause may be a varicocele (widening of the veins within the scrotum) or a blockage within the vas deferens.
- Antibiotics to cure contaminations in the reproductive organs.
- Medications and counseling to medicate issues with ejaculation or erection.
- Hormone treatments if the problem is with hormone imbalance.
In women, sterility is treated with:
- Fertility medications and hormones to help the restoration of hormone levels and make the woman ovulate.
- Surgery to remove tissue which is blocking fertility or to open blocked fallopian tubes
A sort of assisted reproductive technology used to treat infertility is in vitro fertilisation. In IVF, sperm and an egg are fertilised outside of the body in a laboratory liquid media. For a successful pregnancy, the zygote undergoes embryo culture for a period of 2–6 days before being placed into the woman's uterus.
In the United States, menarche frequently occurs at a young age of 12.5 years. In postmenopausal girls, ovulation is absent in about 80% of first-year cycles, 50% of third-year cycles, and 10% of sixth-year cycles. Menopause begins to occur between the ages of 48 and 55. The woman's reproductive window has now closed. Age has the most impact on a woman's fertility and chances of conceiving and having a kid. Endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), tubal blockage, and advanced maternal age, which decreases egg quantity and quality, are some of the most well-known reasons of infertility in women. Infertility affects 10% of all couples in America who are of reproductive age, or about 6.1 million couples. Obesity in conceptive wellbeing additionally prompts infertility and heavy menstrual flow.
- postmenopausal girls
- woman's fertility
- Endometriosis
- polycystic ovarian syndrome
The teenage years are a delicate time in human development. It symbolises the transition from childhood to physical and mental adulthood. The Sub-Saharan area, where birth rates among teenagers exceed 200 per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19, has the highest percentage of early childbearing measures. The nations with the greatest rate of teenage births are the Central African Republic, Niger, Chad, Angola, and Mali (above 178).
The health of women before, during, and after childbirth is referred to as maternal health. Preconception, prenatal, postpartum, and family planning healthcare are all included. The main causes of maternal morbidity and mortality include discharge, hazardous abortion, and labour obstruction. The national Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has received support from UNICEF to improve the standard and breadth of high impact maternal health services.
- maternal morbidity and mortality
- maternal health
Diseases that are transmitted by sexual activity, vaginal sex, anal sex, and oral sex are known as sexually transmitted infections. Pelvic pain, ulcers on or around the genitals, vaginal discharge, penile discharge, and ulcers are all signs of this illness. Bacterial infections, viral STIs, and parasitic STIs are the three categories. Among bacterial infections include syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhoea. HIV/AIDS, genital herpes, and genital warts are all viral illnesses. The parasitic STI trichomoniasis is an example. Less risky sexual behaviours are used. Comprehensive sex education is also beneficial in the classroom.
- Pelvic pain
- vaginal discharge
- penile discharge
A frequent hormonal condition affecting women of reproductive age is PCOS. It is a group of symptoms caused by females having higher levels of androgens (male hormones). Some of the signs and symptoms of PCOS include irregular or absent menstrual cycles, heavy periods, excessive body and facial hair, acne, pelvic pain, difficulty getting pregnant, and patches of thick, darker, smoother skin. It results from both hereditary and environmental influences. It is terminal. Birth control tablets may help with acne, unwanted hair growth, and period regularity. Anti-androgens and metformin may also be helpful. Metformin, clomiphene, and weight loss are all attempts to increase fertility. Also employed is in vitro fertilisation. It is the most frequently occurring endocrine disorder among women between the ages of 18 and 44. About 2% to 20% of this age group is affected by this. It is considered one of the main causes of poor fertility.
- facial hair
- excessive body
- heavy periods
- acne
- pelvic pain
The medical speciality of obstetrics focuses on the surgical and medical treatment provided before, during, and after pregnancy. It focuses on protecting and caring for a woman's general health during pregnancy. Gynecology is the area of medicine that deals with the reproductive system and health of women, namely their breasts, vagina, uterus, and ovaries. Its main emphasis is on the examination, diagnosis, and treatment of female reproductive issues. Obstetricians and gynaecologists work in a harsh environment and struggle to improve the standard of medical care. According to the Harvard Medical Practice Survey, 1.5% of hospitalised obstetrics patients experience a negative event, and 38.3% of these outcomes were attributed to negligence.
- Prenatal care
- Malignant tumours
Uncontrolled growth and proliferation of aberrant cells that appear in the reproductive organs is what causes reproductive malignancies. In America, gynecologic tumours in women are identified at regular intervals. In the United States, 91,730 new cases are expected to be investigated this year alone; regrettably, 28,080 deaths are anticipated. Chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, or a combination of these are frequently used to treat reproductive malignancies.
- Cancer of the uterus
- Ovarian cancer
- Regular pelvic examinations
During pregnancy, also known as gravidity or gestation, at least one child grows inside of a mother. A multiple pregnancy, like one with twins, comprises more than one child. A pregnancy may result from sexual activity or assisted reproductive technology. With each lunar month being around 291,2 days long, this is a bit more than nine lunar months. Regularly, childbirth happens about 40 weeks after the last menstrual cycle (LMP). In the first two months after conception, a developing person is called an embryo; beyond that, the term "foetus" is used until birth. Early pregnancy symptoms can include missed periods, tender breasts, vomiting, hunger, and frequent urination. A pregnancy test can confirm whether you are pregnant.
- Psychological
- Epidemiology
Drugs are frequently used during pregnancy to treat some irregularities. Typically, drugs may be utilised for the treatment of diseases during pregnancy when possible benefit outweighs known risks. The most frequently prescribed medications include tranquillizers, antihistamines, antiemetics, analgesics, and antibiotics. Later in pregnancy, drug treatment may have an impact on the foetus' growth and development. Angiotensin, antithyroid medicines, benzodiazepines, -blockers, and other pharmaceuticals are examples of drugs that may affect foetal development. Nonetheless, every single pregnant woman in the United Kingdom receives at least one course of pharmacological treatment recommendation (no less than 33%).
- tranquillizers
- antihistamines
- antiemetics
- analgesics
- antibiotics
A sub-specialty of anesthesiology called obstetric anaesthesia or obstetric anesthesiology, also called ob-gyn anaesthesia or ob-gyn anesthesiology, offers peripartum analgesia for labour and anaesthesia for caesarean deliveries. The task of administering anaesthesia during pregnancy for both obstetric and non-obstetric surgery has always been difficult for the attending anesthesiologists. While managing pain during vaginal deliveries and controlling anaesthesia for caesarean sections may make up a large portion of an obstetric anesthesiologist's practise, the field is also expanding to cover anaesthesia for both maternal and foetal procedures. Obstetric anaesthetists are frequently called upon during labour discomfort. The most frequently used drug to create a more noticeable physical square is buprenorphine.
- obstetric anaesthesia
- obstetric anesthesiology
Reproductive medicine is the area of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of reproductive issues. Enhancing and preserving the standard of reproductive health is the goal of reproductive medicine. The knowledge of reproductive anatomy, endocrinology, physiology, and pathology is the foundation of reproductive medicine. Prenatal medicine and postnatal medicine can be further subdivided under the umbrella of reproductive medicine. Sexual education, family planning, illnesses of the reproductive system, birth control, infertility, and sexual dysfunction are among the topics covered by reproductive medicine. Reproductive medicine includes evaluates ovulation, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, and other gynaecological issues.
- reproductive health
- reproductive anatomy
- endocrinology
- physiology
- pathology
Caring is associated with all phases of child conception. Pre-partum care, intra-partum care, and post-partum care can be separated into three stages over the course of a nine-month pregnancy. Pregnant women receive a variety of pathological and radiological tests throughout the pre-partum period in order to keep a close eye on the growth of the foetus inside the womb. This makes pregnancy issues like preclampsia, eclampsia, miscarriages, haemorrhage, etc. simple to find. After becoming pregnant and up until the delivery of the child, the mother's physical and mental state both change. Post-partum care is crucial for both the mother and the newborn child. Breastfeeding is one of the most crucial critical factors in postpartum care. The next step is to protect the newborn from external diseases and administer regular vaccines to the child. Other issues that arise following delivery of the baby include postpartum depression, peri-partum cardiomyopathy, urine incontinence, and puerperal fevers.
- pathological and radiological
- preclampsia, eclampsia, miscarriages, haemorrhage
Reproductive endocrinology is the comprehensive study of the female hormone system from adolescence to menopause, including the pituitary, ovaries, and infertility components. It includes areas like early embryonic development, gametogenesis, reproductive development, fertilisation, pregnancy, reproductive immunology, and endocrinology. It has to do with how distinct endocrine glands in women are controlled and operate, how reproductive events affect the endocrine system, and how endocrine disorders affect reproduction.
- Gynecology
- Reproductive Medicine
- In Vitro Fertilisation